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Some common engagements include:
Assisting with due diligence as an operating executive/advisor
Creating a growth strategy, including refinement of the go-to-market approach; conducting sales training; designing new compensation and incentive plans; and other solutions to maximize revenue generation
Professionalizing management practices to improve operating performance in key areas such as:
creating a vision and strategic plan
establishing business objectives linked to the strategy, and instilling a management discipline to ensure direct alignment of operating priorities, initiatives, and capital projects
creating operating efficiencies; increasing the speed of new business implementations and improving customer satisfaction
making infrastructure adjustments and leveraging technology solutions to enable the business to scale
providing a methodology to proficiently execute integrations and deliver deal synergies
strengthening the back office; improving reporting; setting KPIs in place; and driving margin improvement through vendor renegotiations and other tactics
preparing annual plans/budgets; creating a forecasting process; developing routings to monitor cash flow; and generally establishing tighter controls around business performance measurement as well as preparation of more sophisticated board materials ​
Advice on preparing and positioning your company for sale
Our company started as a consulting business -- it's a core competency. We bring deep, functional expertise, yet we are known for our holistic perspective that delivers results.

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