We provide a variety of highly insightful assessments. Scientifically validated assessments can not only predict candidate success pre-hire but can also help you develop and retain your current leaders post-hire.

The Predictive Index (PI) offers an incredibly valuable set of tools to help you assess candidates.
PI evaluates the behavioral traits and cognitive abilities of candidates which are strong predictors or future success. Don't make a key hire just based on interviews alone. TWG is a certified partner with The Predictive Index.
If you're looking to develop and retain your leaders, an assessment can help them understand their strengths and increase their awareness of perceived weaknesses. At TWG, we are certified to administer and interpret Hogan assessment tools.
Hogan 360 is a popular assessment tool, and it has value in revealing - through unanimous feedback- how leaders are perceived by their peers. However, it is important to acknowledge that this tool may show bias from the selected raters, so we often recommend leaders also use the Hogan Leadership Forecast Series (see below). We would note, that regardless of the bias inherent in a 360, it does give the respective leader the ability to understand how others perceive them and describe them when they are not in the room.
Hogan Leadership Forecast Series is a three-part, comprehensive assessment that predicts occupational success. It is a statistically validated process to identify how you will be described by others (without a bias) using a set of characteristics informed by over 10 million people surveyed. The leadership series goes beyond explaining "what" a person's reputation is today and provides insight into "why" certain behaviors are being displayed. Upon completion of the leadership assessments, you receive three personalized reports.
A few compelling points to consider:
There is an Actors View and an Observers View. The Actors View is how you see yourself; the Observers view is how others see you. The you that you know if far less valuable (from an insight perspective) than the you that others know.
Many people evaluate themselves based on their intent, and others based on their actions. There is tremendous value in getting an accurate picture of how you show up, that is, how others see you.
One of the three leadership series reports measures your "dark side". It is critical for high potentials to understand that even characteristics and operating styles that are strengths, if overused, can undermine, or inhibit their performance. Every leader when excessively tired, under pressure or stress is susceptible to behaving in counterproductive ways. There is immense value in helping a leader appreciate and accept areas of risk to be aware of, that could derail their career.
If you genuinely care about retaining your great leaders, make an investment in them today.